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Glen Robinson
  Level-3 contributor Industry: Sales
About Me:
As the founder of close-line, I am a serious supporter of front line skills for business people. Providing a common place with a social library of help for sales and communications. Coupled with a recruitment platform that proves your talent is the ultimate test of job fit. Enjoy!
Career Highlights:
- Launching close-line.com! - Building a national sales team from scratch that now achieves $10M+ P/A My first sales job - 12 months of pestering the sales manager until I got a YES.
What's Next:
Working on building close-line.com to integrate our app, our career centre and our recruitment offer to market.
NSW Regional
  • Success Score    = 55.15%
Mentor 1
12 role-plays voted up
8 role-plays voted to top
Added 38 posts
194 responses
180 responses voted up

close-line LEVELS

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Levels Information

  • Member - Subscriber to close-line.com
  • Level 1.1 - Added 2 Posts
  • Level 1.2 - Responded to 2 Posts
  • Level 1.3 - Any of your responses are voted upwards
  • Level 2.1 - Your role-play is voted upwards
  • Level 3 - Your role-play is voted to the top
  • Mentor 1 - Achieved level 2 requirements within the last 90 days.
  • Mentor 2 - Achieved level 2 requirements a second time
  • Mentor 3 - Achieved level 2 requirements a third time
  • Mentor X - Achieved level 2 requirements X number of times.